Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Little Buddy

  Every Wednesday is my "play with Jonah day." I feel like I dont spend enough time with him, so this is what I came up with. Today, I decided to take some pictures of him in the neighbor's yard. It didn't last to long, because once the wind started to pick up, Jonah refused to stay outside. But this is what I got:

Then Simon joined in

I love my little buddies


  1. I love having two photographers in the family! I get great pics of my kids without having to do any of the work! What lucky boys they are to have such a great big sister!

  2. Great pictures, Savannah. You've got talent. And I know that Jonay loves his time with you too.

  3. What a great thing to do with your Wednesdays! They will always remember you taking time with them. I love your pictures.

  4. You're an awesome big sister! Cute pics too!!
